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Build your business skills:

Consulting for Professionals

Manchester Wednesday 17 Feb 2016

Consultants and experts will often have more customer face time than sales people, particularly when being engaged in projects or outsourcing contracts.


So let's learn to capitalise on their insight and their relationships to influence projects earlier, to gain access to more of the relevant people, to refine offerings and define and communicate customer-specific value of solutions. 

Consulting skills for experts -  training and tools

Sales management master class

Birmingham  Tuesday 9th  February 2016


A focused practical workshop for becoming a highly effective Sales Manager. Discover how to understand, prioritise, and execute effective sales management strategies, and understand the greater potential value you can bring to the sales process to deliver consistent sales success and growth.


  • Sales Performance – issues to tackle in the team

  • Sales Managers – roles and contributions, challenges and ambitions

  • Leading and Coaching sales people to greater results: 


Who to focus on - balance your input for best ROI

 -  Analysing latent capability and potential across your team

What to focus on – motivating high performance as a deal coach

 - Using buying and selling cycles to speed the pipeline

Where to intervene – planning your input

 -  Forethought for sales meetings, 1:1s, training, annual kick off etc

When to lead and coach – being strategic, intentional and consistent

- Applying development tools,  with coaching at the centre


  • Take away initial action plans for individual sales people and for your team.

Turbo management master class

Birmingham  (TBA) January 2016


Objectives for the essentials of effective management

  •  Increase your understanding & background knowledge

  •  Become more self-aware of work team situations

  •  Develop proactive plans of action for critical areas of challenge

  •  Set clear goals for ongoing personal & team development

  •  Share practical tools for ongoing application in your workplace


Get the Turbo Managing workbook, analysis sheets and planning tools to take back and apply straight away as you develop your management and leadership skills.


Attend if you manage or supervise two people or more 

Selling Master Class - the B2B tour


One-day, intensive application of sales best practice tools, methodologies, and a common sales language to enable sales teams to

create relationships of trust, quickly, with the relevant Decision Makers, and ultimately out-strategise their competitors to close more sales, more often. 


Sales teams analyse the business, political, competitor issues, as well as learn how to build and communicate the solution value of key opportunities, and define strategies to win these specific deals.

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